People also ask
What is the average cost for a chimney sweep near me?
A chimney sweep costs $150 to $375 on average. Chimney cleaning costs $80 to $150 for a gas fireplace. Costs of chimney cleaning depend on the number of flues and time needed to clean it. Chimney cleaning prices are $100 to $250 minimum when inspecting a well-maintained wood-burning fireplace.
How much does a chimney sweep earn?
Per hour
Approximate take home pay
Sole trader
Business owner (Ltd company)
*includes estimated business expenses such as vehicle, fuel, tools and insurance. You should always consult an accountant.
How often should you sweep your chimney?
Both the NFPA and Spisto recommend getting your chimney cleaned and inspected once a year by a qualified professional. Carli says that regardless of chimney type, you should you have your chimney swept at least one time a year.
Why does a chimney sweep kiss the bride?
The tradition of Chimney Sweeps kissing the bride and shaking the groom's hand for good luck started about 200 years ago after a London chimney sweep saved the life of King George III.
Feb 25, 2024 · May be an image of hearth and text that says 'JCM CM Sweeps Chimney Log. WHATSAPP. C M Chimney Sweeps.
Rating (6)
NVQ Qualified professional chimney sweep, Oftec approved fireplace and stove installer. Certificate issued on all sweeps. Bognor Regis and surrounding area.
Chimney sweeping & stove installers In Bognor Regis & beyond. Fully insured & competitively priced, contact us today to book. Call 07762 276 390.
The job entails sweeping and cleaning the flue of a wood or gas-burning appliance, and it may involve repairs such as installing chimney caps and dampers. To ...
Rating (1) · $119.00 · 30-day returns
Buy Christian Ulbricht Smoker - Chimney Sweep - 19 cm / 7.5 inch: Incense Holders - ✓ FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases.
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This tiny sitting smoker has a globular shaped body. The round piece that it sits on is not a separate accessory, but an integrated part of the smoker.
€13.83 14-day returns
Chimney sweep with two pigtails holds a chimney brush in hand. The figure is 13 cm high. Glassor is a Czech family brand following the tradition of glassmaking ...
Rating (93) · $15.99 · 30-day returns
Comes in a 2-pound container, which measures 17.00 cm in height and 9.00 cm in width. This effective chimney cleaning solution offers quality performance at an ...
$22.00 Free 7–11 day delivery over $400 10-day returns
Chimney sweep, Fouque, 4 cm. No reviews. $22.00 In Stock Sold out. Add to cart. Default Title. Thanks for signing up for restock notifications!