People also ask
What is the average cost for a chimney sweep near me?
A chimney sweep costs $150 to $375 on average. Chimney cleaning costs $80 to $150 for a gas fireplace. Costs of chimney cleaning depend on the number of flues and time needed to clean it. Chimney cleaning prices are $100 to $250 minimum when inspecting a well-maintained wood-burning fireplace.
How much does a chimney sweep earn?
Per hour
Approximate take home pay
Sole trader
Business owner (Ltd company)
*includes estimated business expenses such as vehicle, fuel, tools and insurance. You should always consult an accountant.
How often should you sweep your chimney?
It's a good idea to have it swept at least once a year, and potentially more if you use your fireplace frequently. The benefits of having your chimney cleaned include decreased risk of fire, improved air quality in your home, and prevention of dangerous build-up like creosote.
Why does a chimney sweep kiss the bride?
The tradition of Chimney Sweeps kissing the bride and shaking the groom's hand for good luck started about 200 years ago after a London chimney sweep saved the life of King George III.
Feb 25, 2024 · May be an image of hearth and text that says 'JCM CM Sweeps Chimney Log. WHATSAPP. C M Chimney Sweeps.
Jan 14, 2024 · If you haven't had your chimney swept yet, stay safe and keep your home insurance valid. It is essential to sweep your chimney once a year. If ...
Chimney sweeping & stove installers In Bognor Regis & beyond. Fully insured & competitively priced, contact us today to book. Call 07762 276 390.
Keep the chimney at your home in proper working condition with inspection and cleaning services by the certified team at C&M Fireplace & Chimney Specialist LLC.
The job entails sweeping and cleaning the flue of a wood or gas-burning appliance, and it may involve repairs such as installing chimney caps and dampers. To ...
Rating (27) · $23.99 · In stock
Chimney Sweep Set; Color: Black; Brush Material: Nylon; Pole Material: Nylon; Rod Length: 41 cm; Brush Diameter: 10 cm; Bristle Length: 4 cm.
Chimney sweep with two pigtails holds a chimney brush in hand. The figure is 13 cm high. Glassor is a Czech family brand following the tradition of glassmaking ...
Rating (93) · $15.99 · In stock
Comes in a 2-pound container, which measures 17.00 cm in height and 9.00 cm in width. This effective chimney cleaning solution offers quality performance at an ...